Employee Recognition

“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs

California Coastline 6-Week Walking Challenge

From January 27 to March 9, 2025, PCV employees participated in our Wellness Program's "California Coastline" six-week walking challenge. The challenge took employees down the state's beautiful coastline virtually from Eureka to San Francisco through Monterey and San Luis Obispo, finishing in Santa Monica. Watch the video below to see how they did. [...]

Employee Appreciation Day Bingo!

On Friday, PCV held a virtual bingo event for Employee Appreciation Day. The event consisted of two traditional Bingo rounds and a special employee-themed Blackout round to celebrate the occasion using staff names, PCV departments, and appreciation terms for the squares. Our Director of Client Services Candy Sirirotpiboon served as the Bingo Caller. Employees across several departments participated in the [...]

Los Angeles County Wildfires Donations Matched

PCV Murcor's nonprofit, PCV|VRM Seeds of Hope, is pleased to share that it has matched donations to support the people and places affected by Los Angeles County wildfires, an area we call home. To show unity with our neighbors and brave firefighters, our employees, their families, friends, and communities came together to donate to the Global Empowerment Mission (GEM) [...]

Mendoza and Urias Receive 4th Quarter Employee Awards

PCV Murcor is pleased to honor Desi Mendoza with the Margaret Murray Entrepreneurial Spirit Award and Wendy Urias as the Employee of the Quarter Award. Margaret Murray Award Desi, an SQL Reporting Analyst on our Vendor Relations team, is being honored with the Margaret Murray Entrepreneurial Spirit Award for going [...]

Fall Fun Bingo! PCV Employees Have Some Virtual Fun

On November 14, PCV held a Fall Fun Bingo virtual event for employees. The event consisted of two traditional Bingo rounds and a Fall-Themed Blackout round using words associated with the season. Our Director of Client Services Candy Sirirotpiboon served as the Bingo Caller. Employees across several departments participated in the event, including Accounting, Client Services, Human Resources, IT, [...]

Estes and Alvarez Receive 3rd Quarter Employee Awards

PCV Murcor is pleased to honor Natalie Estes with the Margaret Murray Entrepreneurial Spirit Award and Gina Alvarez as the Employee of the Quarter Award. Margaret Murray Award Natalie, a Team Manager on our Client Services team, is being honored with the Margaret Murray Entrepreneurial Spirit Award for going above and [...]

Bautista and Berry Receive 2nd Quarter Employee Awards

PCV Murcor is pleased to honor Sandra Bautista with the Margaret Murray Entrepreneurial Spirit Award and Lionel Berry as the Employee of the Quarter Award. Margaret Murray Award Sandra, a Corporate Trainer on our Vendor Relations team, is being honored with the Margaret Murray Entrepreneurial Spirit Award for going above [...]

Bingo! PCV Employees Have Some Virtual Fun

On Friday, July 12, PCV held its first virtual Bingo event for employees.  The event consisted of two traditional rounds of Bingo, a Blackout round, and a bonus smaller Blackout round. Our Director of Client Services Candy Sirirotpiboon served as the Bingo Caller. The Blackout round had boxes of mortgage and appraisal industry terms, while the bonus Blackout round [...]

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